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A glimpse of the Sun on this rainy day……

This past week has been one of reflection and self-critique. I have been inside my head, thinking and rethinking about what direction I want to go with my art. These days you can be bombarded easily with images and stories on social media. You constantly see others’ lives shown in the best light possible and it doesn’t matter if they are emerging artists like myself, people running full-time profitable businesses or just folks selling grilled cheese sandwiches in the shape of the face of the Virgin Mary….. they are SUCCESSFUL! I don’t believe it all to be true… I do know this is the way of social media, but it does nothing but blur your own sense of direction.

I get a sense of accomplishment and joy from creating, whether it be a photograph, this blog post or painting, yet it can be difficult to find a purpose in churning out paintings or writing blog posts when the connection that you’re yearning is lost somewhere out in social media land. I guess what I am after is a real connection with people, people with similar interests, not fake Instagram accounts liking and trolling your own….. real community. Its a weird and wonderful time. But, I digress… there was a reason for this post before I began to blab on about my mundane thoughts…

I just received the most beautiful note from someone who bought one of my paintings this spring. At a time when I needed it most, she gave me a look at how the way I spend my time has touched her life and I can’t be more touched by her description of this particular piece. As follows:

When you see a painting do you ever say…” That’s me! I love it and have to have it!” That is exactly what my response was when I saw the above painting hanging in my friend’s studio. I instantly loved the cascade of bright vibrant colours that fill her hat and the pleasant humble expression she exhibits ♥️ She appears calm and filled with peace. The essence of the colour is seen spreading outside of herself, gently touching her surroundings♥️ I originally had the 2 pieces shown above in separate areas of my house but as I viewed them together my heart was touched with the revelation that the girl in the picture was me. Once just a sketch, plain and confined by black and white restraints… Finally touched, changed, transformed by the most magnificent discovery “I have found the one whom my soul loves” and suddenly this outlined image becomes the beautiful girl She was always meant to be… free at Last♥️ Free to dream grander dreams♥️ Free to forge the path created just for her♥️ Conquering mountains if that’s what’s required♥️ Moving in faith, trusting the still gentle small but mighty voice to guide her and light her way♥️ Her Colours lifting to encourage others to search and find that One too♥️ Forever grateful to the one that created this stunning work of art and the One that created me♥️

Well, for the love of Pete…… if that just didn’t make my day.

Beautiful day, lovelies…..