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April Fools – what about all of the other fools?

No one even played a joke on me today. Not even Jordan, and I was expecting something from her….I was ready. Hmmmm. I almost feel slighted. I mean, I am one of the easiest people going for being gullible. Oh well. Next year. I didn’t play any tricks either – except I surprised Gary with a party for his 50th birthday ( which is actually on April 4) and he was speechless, flabbergasted, and shocked…. in that order. Yep… speechless…….that is a rarity! But that was last Friday, and it was so much fun. I can hardly believe I got away with it without him having at least a suspicion. He’s getting old.. not so sharp anymore…lol! IMG_8622 I figure I set the stage pretty good for my 50th….but that’s ages away, hehehe. There’s us arriving at the restaurant and everyone singing Happy Birthday to Gary.


Been “arting” around a bit more with the airbrush and started a new piece.. this time on wood, and with some colour… who knows where it might end up (back behind the house in a wood pile?) but I do feel myself getting a better handle on the airbrush itself and have developed a steadier hand. This is good. I have much much more to do and need to be patient… the toughest thing for me. Well, then , I’m off… Happy April Fools Day to you April