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I made lemonade

That kinda rhymes…. hehe. Anyhoooooo. I have been patiently waiting for the morning I could get out on my patio before 8 am and sit in the warm sun with my coffee and book of the moment. It has arrived and as I have been sitting out here for about an  hour now, I have had to move out of the sun and into the shade because it is already a stinkin’ 27 degrees at 9 am. This kinda sounds like I’m complaining….. but I’m not… merely stating that, wow, it’s gonna be one heck of a hot day. We sat outside on our patio with friends last night until almost midnight and enjoyed the warmth that was still radiating from the day’s 37 or so degrees. I really don’t mind the hot weather as long as I am able to get a bit of a reprieve here and there.

So, speaking of lemonade, in case you weren’t connecting the dots…… last week I had a scheduled 6 am photo shoot just down the road from my house. As usual, I dragged myself from my bed  (even though I have been trying daily to get myself up at 6 to enjoy the mornings, it is still an effort, lol) and grabbed a coffee, my camera, and lenses and out the door I went. About 15 minutes or so later, I got a text from the client saying she forgot and was so sorry….. Luckily it was a fabulous morning and I already had a coffee in my hand and was looking out at the beautiful lake and the sweet colour of the sunrise and I decided to make lemonade. (figuratively speaking). I mean, there I was, up at 6, enjoying a beautiful morning AND I actually had my camera with me! I don’t often lug my camera gear around unless I have a shoot (it’s heavy and bulky) so it was the perfect opportunity to just take some pics of nature or anything that grabbed me. So that’s what I did, quietly thanking my client for the opportunity. Sometimes you gotta make lemonade and it was so so sweet.
