Coming soon…

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Ok, so I only started back to work last week and I put in a whole 8 hours. Whoo hooooo! Doesn’t sound like much, but when you haven’t worked in 5 years for someone else, and you have to show up on time…. well, that can be a shock to the system. I made it though… on time and everything. I loved being back with the girls I used to work with and the best part of it was that I got a paycheck. I can go to work for a few hours a week, see people I genuinely enjoy seeing, and get a paycheck at the end of it. Of course, I am not working full time, or anywhere near it, actually, but it is just enough to stimulate the ol’noggin again and I am still under control of my life back at home. It is a perfect scenario for me and I feel truly lucky to have been offered this position.

Now, what am I gonna do with all this cash I’ll be bringing in??? Muaahhh haaaahaaaaa! I think I will be saving it up for family getaways…… what could be better? Or perhaps a trip to New York in the spring for my friend’s 50th birthday? Or maybe it will go to the endless bills…. sigh. I need to work more.

Dang it… I was feeling so good.

There was just a loud crack of thunder outside… it’s a weird morning… the light is eerie and it is dead still out there….. what’s coming?

So an update on my addiction. Since my last post, I have done my blogging, or social media fixing, and internet searching with my coffee in the morning. Once I have finished, I put down my phoOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAne and haven’t picked it up until late afternoon or evening. It has been good and I have gotten alot done this week as well as fitting in 3 four hour work days. There is a saying.. “The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” and I think it is a good one. I am not going to bend over backwards to try to stay off my phone when I am sitting, taking a break and enjoying what I am doing. BUT, when I find myself only doing it because I feel bored, that is when I need to get myself up and doing something worthwhile.  It hasn’t been hard to stay away from it during the day (see, Gary???? I am NOT addicted) but what I think might be hard is trying to set limits and stick to them. There are already so many “rules” in place in life and darn it, I think I can control myself in this situation. (Is this what they call denial?) Maybe. We shall see.

It’s time to go now, and get back to doing what needs done today…… I will check in tonight and look forward to the many things I will have missed all day while I am out living in the real world. Hehe.