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moving on up…..

Good morning! I am sitting, looking out at the beautiful sunshine and the blue of the lake and loving my home. News on our front is that today our house goes up for sale. It is bittersweet.

Gary and I bought our home 12 years ago. We had previously built three homes and were looking to build again but when I found this one on the mls, I drove out, had a look  and we made an offer that very night. There was just a feel for this place that I knew I would love, and I did, and still do…very much. The neighbourhood is the best we have ever lived in. We truly love our neighbours. There are neighbourhood get togethers, celebrations, and just times hanging on each other’s patios. We drive each other’s kids to school, borrow ladders, cups of sugar, go for walks, play tennis and plan holiday meals that include anyone who might not have a plan that year…..

Ben was born 2 years after we moved into this house. Our plan was to stay here at least until the kids were done school and probably longer. We found out Ben had an undiagnosed condition when he was about 6 months old, and as it turned out, he would be unable to walk.  We have done an awful lot of lifting and as he gets older and bigger, it has become clear that we need a house suited to his needs (and ours!) so we finally, after much discussion, decided we would have to give up this place and move on. The bittersweet part is that although we are selling the house we made our home for the last 12 years, that we love, we plan on building a home that is still in this neighbourhood, and that will be perfect for Ben. I’m sure that the house we build will have the same feel as this one, as there aren’t many things we would change, other than access to all floors for Ben. Often I would wake up at night after having a “nightmare” that we had sold our house, obviously knowing in the back of my mind that this day was coming…… ahhhhhh. Soooo. If you know anyone who is looking for a house in an awesome neighbourhood…..

On another note, I am taking my dad to Gordon Lightfoot tonight. I am hoping we will enjoy it, and I am quite sure we will. This is the second concert we have now gone to together. He took Jordan and I to one a couple of months ago at the Kelowna Community Theatre and it is a great venue. Finally something we can do together that isn’t golf (sorry dad) or an art class (I tried really hard to drag him to an art class last year, but to no avail).  Alright, peeps, I must go and do some tidying. And eating. And painting……and the never ending laundry.

Have the best day. Enjoy the sunshine. xo.