Good friends – gotta love ’em

So today is day 18 of the yoga challenge. I have missed two days due to strep throat but now am feeling so much better and I’m back at it. So far, I am finding that even though the first 7 or 8 days I was asking myself what I was thinking, I now am looking forward to each day and am loving it enough to see myself upping my weekly dose of yoga from 1-2 times to possibly 4-5. Really. It is addicting. Never thought I would feel this way but the more I go, the more I want to go. I am happy that this is the way I feel and not sick to death of it. The peacefulness and contentedness I feel after class stays with me until I am jolted back into reality with some mundane occurance and my hope is that this peacefulness last longer and longer in my day until its just

a normal part of my life. Not that I am not at peace, or content… no no no…. I am and quite so. But my mind is always on the go and resting it feels fabulous. Focusing feels good. Yes. I think I’m hooked.

After my last post, I was whining, apparently, about how much I hated this time of year, only for the fact that it is time to plant flowers in my flowerbeds and I suck at it. Within a couple of hours, I returned home from going to school to pick up Ben and my friend and neighbour had sneakily, while I was away, planted beautiful daisies and other stuff (don’t ask me!!) in my pots at the front of our house! I was so surprised ( I’m not sure if I should be more surprised that she actually read my blog?) and it just made my day. Sweetest, most thoughtful thing. I need to remind myself how such simple acts can brighten one’s day and work harder to pay it forward. It’s so easy in our lives to be all consumed with what is going on with us, with our own families, work, etc. I must try harder. A good reminder.

The picture in this post is a card that my mom wrote to her very best friend. In it she listed some of her favourite quotes on friendships.  Have a read.

It’s the start of another week. Hope everyone’s May long weekend was fabulous. To more of the same…..

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