Spring cleaning in the bag


Okay, so that took a little longer than I was anticipating.  I, like everyone, fall into the spring cleaning mood (sometimes its not even spring…heck it’s unpredictable really) and just need to unclutter. I think because my mind is always on the go, cluttered up with bits and pieces of useless ( and sometimes useful) sh%t (that spells “stuff”), I feel more inclined to “spring clean” more often . One would think that my house, van, garage, might be extraordinarily clean then….. one would be wrong. Dead wrong. I would be better off calling it what it really is – spring organizing. I don’t really know where the word “cleaning” has any right to appear in the sentence?  Moving along….. I have “organized ” my blogsite a bit, a few changes here and there in the hopes that maybe I could keep up blogging more often and get all excited about it. My poor 5 followers have surely been missing me lately!

Spring time has been pretty beautiful around here so far… can’t complain. Those beautiful blooms on the trees (pictured above) around these parts are one of my very favourite things about the Okanagan. Who KNEW trees had FLOWERS? I am but a poor prairie girl.

I am about to partake in a challenge starting this Friday. It is a 30 day Yoga challenge – just what it sounds like. Yoga for 30 days. I might be a bit more bendy by the end of it (which would be great) but more than that, I am hoping to get some practise with settling my mind ….. my mind does not stop – this is not to say it is busy thinking intelligent thoughts or creating beautiful music or brilliant algorithms…. nope….. it’s just working away on mundane ho hum thoughts about this and that. That’s important too, you know! I’ll keep you posted.

Also feeling very lucky indeed with the life I am living with all that has been happening in Nepal these past few days ( not to mention the rest of this crazy world…..). Sending positive vibes to my friend, Shelley and her sister in law, Deanna and hoping they get back home soon!


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