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Spring Cleaning

It’s the mood I’m in… and have been in for a few weeks now. I don’t know if I would like to live somewhere where the seasons don’t change……I love the newness of spring when everything starts to grow again and the weather warms up. I get rejuvenated and begin to purge my closets, cupboards, the garage. I love the feeling of organizing a cluttered space – if only I had the same feeling about actually “cleaning”.

So for this reason, I gave been thinking about reorganizing my blog. Maybe you’ve noticed that I haven’t blogged in a few months. Who knows why? It’s one of those things I struggle with keeping up.  But spring is here and now I feel like starting afresh and revamping my site with the hopes of restarting my enthusiasm for blogging. Doin’ it! So maybe I’ll be unavailable for a little bit but I am coming back for those of you who care:)

See you soon – happy spring cleaning!!!!!