Taking a breather…..

Well, the show has come and gone and it was great! Francine and I enjoyed ourselves, loved seeing everyone that stopped in ( and especially drinking some wine and catching up!). We came away with feeling of gratitude to those that showed up, purchased items and simply gave their support by being there. It made all of the past few months working frantically to get ready, worth it all. Thank you, folks. Hopefully it will be something we do again in the future….I mean, any reason to have some wine and appies, no? Yes, I think so.

So it’s winter, it would seem. A little early in my books….I’ve got the Frasier Fir burning in my kitchen and I’m starting to think about Christmas decorations….what? Funny how a little of the white stuff can change your mood. Before I get to that, though, I will be working diligently on my new commissions to have them done in the next couple of months. Setting goals is good, donkey. I will take this week as a little well deserved breather, I think, and then get at it next week, refreshed.

This will have to be one of the shortest posts ever….. we are selling our house and have to get ready for a showing a little later today … you know, clean as if no one lives here, and make sure none of your underwear has been dragged out to hallway by the dog.. you know the stuff. Sigh. Love to get showings, a little less love to the cleaning. Must be done so I will post again soon when my house is in tip top order. Have a great snowy day.





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1090 Gordon drive
kelowna,bc. V1Y 3E2


joan caroline mcewan
1090 Gordon drive
kelowna,bc. V1Y 3E2
